Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome and thank you for interest in Corresspondence Education. Because classes are delivered differently than classes held on our campuses, this guide was written to help you prepare for a successful experience.
What is a Correspondence Class?
At Palo Verde College, classes are conducted almost entirely through correspondence. Most of the contact between you and your professor will be through the written assignments you turn in and the written responses or instructions you receive from your professor. However, your professor may provide you with his or her email address or phone number for questions and/or office hours and a location to hold face-to-face meetings from time to time.
Classes apply toward degrees or transfer to other colleges and universities just like their campus-based counterparts.
Is a Correspondence Class Right for Me?
You'll probably do well in a Correspondence class if the following applies to you:
- I'm motivated and am a self-starter (i.e., I don't need a professor pushing me to complete my work)
- I can find (or make) quiet time to work on my assignments
- I'm a good reader
How Do I Register for a Correspondence class?
- Meet with a counselor to make sure it's an appropriate class for you
- Write the class on your Student Schedule
- Register online, Corresspondence Education classes are noted
O.K., I Registered and I've Got a Few More Questions:
Where do I get my assignments and syllabi?
All assignments for classes can be picked up in the Distance Learning office on the first floor of the Classroom/Lab Building. Syllabi are also available on Canvas.
Where Do I Send My Completed Assignments?
Simply drop your assignment in your professor's mailbox. The mail room is located on the first floor of the CS building between the counseling area and the Business Office.
NEEDLES: Drop your assignment off at the Needles Center. College personnel will log this in.
Where Do I Get Assignments Back from Professors?
Your returned work will be available in the Distance Learning office on the first floor of the Classroom/Lab Building.
Please Note: we will destroy all work left sixty days after the end of the semester.
How Do I Contact My Professor?
Contact information phone number, email, etc. is usually included in the class syllabus. However, if contact information is not provided, or if you have trouble contacting your professor, you may always contact the Distance Learning office for assistance. Our phone number is (760) 921-5568.
How Do I Take Tests?
You will, of course, have tests from time to time. You may be allowed to take some tests on your own at home or elsewhere. On the other hand, your professor may require you to take a test in the presence of what is called a proctor. A proctor makes sure that the test is administered in accordance with the wishes of the professor.
Proctors are available at the Distance Learning office on the main campus. There is no charge for this service.
Needles students take exams at the Needles Center.
Some Tips for Success:
- Stay on top of your work. Follow your instructor's recommended time line to the best of your ability.
- Keep in mind that there may be some lag time between when the assignment is due and when the instructor receives it.
- Stay in touch with your professor.
- Write your name and contact information AND your class and your professors name on every page of every assignment you return.
- Keep a copy of every assignment you return.