Transfer and Career Center
Virtual Transfer Workshops
Counseling Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
(Summer Counseling hours may vary).
If you are planning to transfer to a four-year university this home page will provide you with the necessary information needed to transfer to a California State University, University of California, Independent or Private college. The friendly staff in the student services area is always ready to help you with the transfer process.
On behalf of Counseling and Student Support Services, we would like to welcome you to our website and our campus. It is our mission to do all that we can to assist you in your educational pursuits. Our counselors are dedicated professionals who can answer most of your education and career related concerns either online or on-campus.
- University of California Information for Applicants
- The California State University - Cal State Apply
- Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities (AICCU) Commitment to ADT
How can we help you?
- Schedule of Classes - Current and upcoming course offerings
- Counselors:
Transfer to University of California (UC):
If a student wishes to transfer as a junior to any of the campuses of the University of California, he or she should generally plan to complete at least 60 transferable units with at least a 2.4 GPA at Palo Verde College. The 60 units include those required in the major and those needed for completion on the general education requirements.
UC Riverside and Palo Verde College have established a Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG) program to encourage students to transfer to UCR and to facilitate that process. Contact the Transfer and Career Center Director/Counselor at Palo Verde College, or click on the link below in order to obtain admission information with UCR.
- UC Riverside is available at
- UC Berkeley updated Transfer Summary
Transfer to California State University (CSU):
Students planning to graduate from any of the 23 CSU campuses should complete the CSU GE Breadth requirements prior to transfer. Upon the completion of the 60 transferable units and CSU GE, at the student's request, Palo Verde College can certify the student has fulfilled all lower-division GE requirements. It is to the student's advantage to complete the entire pattern before transfer.
- A Degree with a Guarantee - ADT
- Cal Poly Pomona Curriculum Sheets & Roadmaps
- CSU San Bernardino, Palm Desert campus is available at
- CSU San Bernardino is available at
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC):
The Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum is a general education program that California community college transfer students can use to fulfill lower-division general education requirements at any CSU or University of California campus. This curriculum provides an alternative to the CSU General Education-Breadth requirements and the local UC GE/Breadth requirements. It is important to note that the IGETC is not an admission requirement nor does completion of IGETC guarantee admission to the campus or program of choice.
IGETC Educational Plan
CSU General Education-Breadth Requirements:
The CSU General Education-Breadth (GE-Breadth) program allows California community college transfer students to fulfill lower-division general education requirements at any CSU campus prior to transfer. This curriculum provides an alternative to the IGETC requirements, and to the local university GE/Breadth requirements. It is important to note that CSU GE-Breadth certification is not an admission requirement, nor does completion guarantee admission to the campus or program of choice. The GE-Breadth program requires that students who select this option complete at least 60 semester units of general education to receive the baccalaureate degree.
CSU General Educational Plan
Course Identification Numbering System C-ID
C-ID is a supranumbering system being developed to ease transfer and articulation in California’s higher education institutions. To learn more about C-ID, please visit ABOUT US page. Currently, C-ID has a number of approved descriptors and various draft descriptors from over 81 different disciplines. To view C-ID’s finalized Descriptors, or to review Draft Descriptors, please visit the DESCRIPTORS page. Once there, you can select finalized descriptors from a drop-down menu. The Draft Descriptors Review and Comment Area can be accessed by clicking on the View Draft Descriptors link on the Descriptors page.
To access the CSU courses that have been identified by campuses as comparable to C-ID descriptors, use the COURSES tab or You can search for courses by discipline or CSU campus.
CSU General Educational Plan
ASSIST Software:
ASSIST is a computerized student-transfer information system that can be accessed over the World Wide Web. It displays reports of how course credits earned at one California college or university can be applied when transferred to another. ASSIST is the official repository of articulation for California's colleges and universities and therefore provides the most accurate and up-to-date information available about student transfer in California.
- ASSIST is available at
"While it is the intent that Palo Verde College provides students access to matriculation services, other extended and support services, and course offerings, due to legal constraints, it is possible that some student populations (high school students, inmate students, correspondence education students, etc.) may have limitations that may limit access to typical services and possible limited course offerings"