
Students can add their name to a waitlist if a class is full. If seats open up in the class, students on the waitlist will receive an email notification allowing them 24 hours to get enrolled in the class. If the seat is not taken within the 24 deadline, the opportunity expires, and the open seat is offered to the next student on the waitlist. Students are urged to monitor their email.

  • Students who are on the waitlist are not officially enrolled and must not attend class.
  • Students will not be charged for units on a waitlist.
  • Waitlisted units will not count towards Financial Aid eligibility.
  • Students cannot be enrolled and will be dropped if:
    • You have not met the prerequisite at Palo Verde College
    • You are enrolled in a class that overlaps/conflicts in time
    • You are enrolled in the same course, but a different section
    • You are already enrolled in 19 units for spring or fall and 7 units
      for summer; you must meet with a counselor to obtain an
      OverLoad Approval and file the approval with the Admissions & Records
  • Waitlists will be closed one day prior to the last day to register.