Student Concerns
Student Rights and Grievances Reference:
Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972; Education Code Section 76224(a)
The student is encouraged to pursue course work and other college sponsored activities that will promote intellectual growth and personal development. In pursuing these ends, the student shall be free of unfair and improper action by any member of the academic community. Palo Verde College shall maintain a student grievance policy. The procedure whereby a student may file a grievance shall be specified in detail in the college catalog. The grievance process and any forms needed to facilitate this process will be available in the Student Services Office. This policy shall not apply where other policies are applicable for the resolution of specific categories of student complaints or appeals, such as complaints relating to sexual harassment or discrimination. (See Administrative Procedure 5530)
- Title IX
- Harassment or Discrimination Complaints
- Board Policy (BP 3430)
- Administrative Procedure (AP 3430)
- Grade Changes
- Board Policy (BP 4231)
- Administrative Procedure (AP 4231)
- Student Disciplinary Actions
- Board Policy (BP 5520)
- Administrative Procedure (AP 5520)