High School Equivalency

High School Equivalency

It's never too late to get started!

Earn your GED with face-to-face preparation courses offered in Blythe & Needles with continuous Open Enrollment! Create a success plan with a GED Educational Advisor, access college resources, attend college events, get free bus passes, apply for the food pantry, and much more!

GED Steps to Success:

STEP 1 - Complete CCCApply

*Periodically check the email provided on your application. You will receive a confirmation email from PVC, followed by an additional email with a student ID# and student EMAIL needed to complete the registration process.

STEP 2 - Schedule CASAS Assessment Test

Blythe Students
Needles Students

*While you wait for your application to process, you can schedule and complete the CASAS assessment test. This will provide you and your instructor with insight into your level of knowledge within each subject being taught.

STEP 3 - Register for Classes

*Schedule an appointment with an Educational Advisor for assistance with this process!

STEP 4 - Attend Class!

STEP 5 - Create GED.com Account

*When you create your account, please choose to share your scores with Palo Verde College so we can help you succeed!

GED Requirements & FAQs


Questions about the Adult Education Program?
Call: (760) 326-5033
Email: pvcadulted@paloverde.edu