President's Goals & Objectives 2024 - 2027
The President's Cabinet shall monitor and assess the Superintendent/President's goals and objectives through the evaluation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and other relevant metrics. A comprehensive report on progress and outcomes shall be presented annually to ensure transparency and accountability in achieving institutional success.
Goal 1: Advance Student SuccessPVC will offer cutting-edge academic programs and participate in college completion initiatives, transforming students and equipping them for future success.
- 1.1 Expand enrollment across all student demographics by 1-5% per year.
1.2 Implement a Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEMP) based on evidence-based best practices in access and equity.
1.3 Increase the attainment of certificates and degrees among students.
1.4 Develop a Guided Pathway Model for delivering academic and CTE programs.
1.5 Increase student course success by 1-5% per year with an equity minded focus on students.
Maintain Accreditation and build a culture of excellence that inspires everyone to become "advocates" for our students and community.
2.1 Foster a culture of institutional integrity and compliance.
2.2 Maximize and fully implement our technology tools and systems.
2.3 Develop clear, well-defined processes that enhance student experiences.
2.4 Seek grants and external funding to support organizational excellence.
2.5 Promote a culture of high performance, evidence-based decision-making, continuous improvement, and risk management.
PVC will proactively and flexibly create partnerships that open transformative career opportunities for students and meet workforce needs.
3.1 Collaborate with businesses and industries to develop workforce credentials.
3.2 Promote community engagement within Blythe, Needles, Riverside and San Bernadino counties.
3.3 Create marketing campaigns to support educational pathways and partnerships.
3.4 Explore not for credit certificates that lead to high-demand and high-wage careers.
3.5 Establish an alumni association and expand philanthropic support.
PVC faculty and staff will participate in ongoing professional development to continually advance within their fields.
4.1 Attract and retain a high quality diverse and stable workforce.
4.2 Review and revise board policies and administrative procedures.
4.3 Redesign and launch a new board and employee onboarding process.
4.4 Ensure professional development aligns with college needs and that participants apply continuous improvement from their experiences.
4.5 Foster an institutional environment characterized by civility, collegiality, transparency and professionalism.
PVC will ensure the provision and upkeep of safe, state-of-the-art facilities through a continuous plan for deferred maintenance and assessments.
5.1 Create a comprehensive education plan that includes analysis of service area.
5.2 Enhance campus safety and security measures.
5.3 Identify and reduce outstanding deferred maintenance.
5.4 Maintain financial reserves at or above 35%.
5.5 Pursue grants and external funding to support facilities sustainability.