Phlebotomy Technician (NSC)
The phlebotomy course is certified by the California State Department of Health Services for a Phlebotomy Technician. The phlebotomy course requires 2 semesters to complete the program. The following courses are required for completion of the Phlebotomy Course:
First Semester
NSC 130 Phlebotomy Technician: The course provides both theory and practical application in Phlebotomy. The basic instruction includes: universal precautions, infection control, laboratory and equipment safety; circulatory system, basic anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, patient and specimen identification: selecting and preparing skin puncture sites, blood collection equipment, proper order of tubes, post puncture care: medical waste and sharps. Course meets weekly- 3 hours
Second Semester - Student must have successfully completed
NSC - 132 Phlebotomy Technician I Practical Experience - Prerequisite NSC 130: This course satisfies the practical experience component of the phlebotomy certification. In the clinical setting with access to actual patients the student will have exposure to use of equipment, patient preparation, and infection control: blood collection from patients of various ages, stages of health and varying weights; post puncture care; blood processing after collection, centrifugation, disposal of waste and sharps; practical examination: and observation of arterial blood gases when available. A certificate will be awarded to students who have successfully completed the class and a minimum 50 successful venipunctures and 10 successful skin punctures. Class will be conducted at the hospital or laboratory setting.
Upon successfully completing both NSC 130 and NSC 131 the student will be eligible to test for their phlebotomy license. For testing apply at website
General Information